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2' x 8' Arch Trellis for Planter Boxes

2' x 8' Arch Trellis for Planter Boxes

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Unlock the full potential of your Vermont-made elevated planter box or raised bed by adding this trellising arch to it. Tall enough to grow tomatoes underneath, you can plant all your favorite herbs and veggies in the center and robust climbing plants at the sides. Or make a walk-through arch by placing it between two planter boxes or raised beds. Easy to install: just pop the corner caps off your elevated planter or raised bed and slide the trellis feet in. Maximize growing space, giving vining veggies and flowers more room to ripen and bloom, while providing a protected growing space underneath for your favorite herbs and tender greens. To grow even more under your 48" H arch, add a 12" Arch Extension to bump your arch 60" above the height of your raised bed corners. See all compatible planters and raised beds to find your perfect pairing!